Effective Formula to Mastering Numbers within 3 hours with Pentagon Sifir.

shamiera osment
Effective Formula to Mastering Numbers within 3 hours with Pentagon Zero. | Did you remember how you manage to remember all the multiplication tables when you were kids? I remember being punished by my mother for not remembering it and have to stand outside home during night. It was a great lesson during those days but this era might have been different. 

This year, children start their school with the PdPR learning and as a stay home mom, I have to be the teacher to them. I remember last year Zahra already managed to remembered all the multiplication table but this year she most likely to forget it. Like other parents, I of are upset with my kids mastery of the multiplication table and I do the best to get my interest in memorizing it. This is not an easy thing to do. Most parents do not know the best way because children do not like to memorize numbers and feel burdened.

Therefore, Asas ILM Sdn Bhd has produced an innovations for the multiplication table teaching aids that can attract children to enjoy and master multiplication table in as soon as 3 hours. It may sound impossible with common sense logic, but if you look at the way it is used, parents will smile proudly when the children are able to answer the multiply question asked without counting using their ten fingers. It seems like everything is already available in their minds.

According to the company Marketing Director, Tuan Sulaiman Syah Bin Ab Rahman (Che Man), many parents complain about the approach and interest of their children in mastering the multiplication table. To alleviate the parents worried, he and his partner Addie Humaizie Bin Abu Hassan, Director of the Company, who is also one of the experts in mathematical motivation has made a survey on how to produce a conducive aid product where students can learn more creatively, easily and quickly more  interested in numbers.

Once formulated, there are actually important elements so that can make children easily  attracted to learning and mastering multiplication table. The 5 element is a simple formula, less memorization, reward system, that its also includes an explanatory video so that children didn't get bored quickly, and it can be mastered within 3 hours. According to him, children as young as 9 years old should be able to master the multiplication table and when they reach the age of 12, it will become a habit and they can master it well.

Pentagon Sifir Assistance Set is includes with a Manual Book that will guide parents in using in. There is also an attractive colored flash card and Gem Reward in a sticker form that you can give as reward when your kids can memorize and understand each flash card and video. This reward sticker is great for children motivation just like playing a game, they will excited to go to another level. The children will surely be looking forward for more and this will enable them to master the multiplication table faster because there is something interesting as a gift waiting for them (BIG REWARD). Interesting isn't it?

The Pentagon Sifir has not only found a place in Brunei and Indonesia but it has also become the talk of the country. Pentagon Sifir has been in Brunei since 2011 and has published several mathematical formula books for the students and the books also has been distributed throughout the primary school libraries there. This multiplication table module also has been adopted in the learning system in Brunei.

His Highness Pengiran Anak Abdul Hafeez bin Pengiran Anak Khairul Khalil, the grandson of the Sultan of Brunei, is one among the students who can master and follow the activities of Pentagon Sifir. Many activities such as seminar classes and programs have been conducted in and outside the country to introduce this Pentagon Sifir. Every time this program is run for sure these kids will come home with a goal that Math is something fun and easy to master.

With the innovation of Pentagon Sifir formulation, it is hoped that it will attract children to learn the multiplication table easily and master math subjects very well. This can not only facilitate parents in monitoring kids learning but it also can ease the burden of teachers in schools. But I bet it will release more parents temper during nowadays PdPR right? You know by mastering the multiplication table through the Pentagon Sifir method, children will be able to complete homework faster than before. And this hopefully will lead to a great result in the examination. 

So how much does it cost you to make your kids brighter?

Pentagon Sifir only costs RM60. The company provides promotional prices in conjunction with online learning due to the covid-19 for RM50 by using the PS50 coupon code at www.pentagonmath.onpay.my/order/form/pentagonsifir/4 for the first 100 buyers only! So do not miss this opportunity and give your children a chance to get this practical knowledge. It also can be purchased directly at the website www.pentagonmath.com and also www.facebook.com/pentagonmath.
The company will also hold a Pentagon Sifir Champion program for children who already have the kit. Parents need to record a video asking questions and sharing experiences using the Pentagon Sifir by  writing in or in video. The first 50 videos will get the Pentagon Sifir Champion Medal, T Shirt & Face Mask.

The company also pleased to invite individuals who are interested in generating income through Pentagon Sifir by registering as an affiliate at pentagonmath.onpay.my/affiliate/register without any registration cost. All promotional materials and info will be provided. Hopefully those who are interested can contribute as educators through the Pentagon Sifir as well!

With this great knowledge and innovation, Pentagon Sifir hopes that they will be able to produce more children who are smart and literate and will succeed in the field they are involved in and can make their families proud and make the name of the country on the world stage. Bonda hope so, cos you know multiplication is the core in mastering the math and anything else will be easier later on.

For more information go to :

Tel  : 019 666 2860 
E-mail : pentagonmath@gmail.com 
Facebook : Pentagon Math 
Youtube: Pentagon Math 
Website : www.pentagonmath.com 

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