Malaysia Influential Educator (MIE) Recognize Outstanding Educators in Malaysia.

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Malaysia Influential Educator (MIE) Recognition Education Pioneers.| 
Malaysia Influential Educators (MIE) is a recognition given to outstanding educators who have achieved excellence in education services by demonstrating their strong acumen and talent. 

They are the selected role models in the industry, who have demonstrated knowledge and skills at the highest level and uphold the best practices in education. This recognition is also a gratitude to them for their selfless contributions to the industry.

Malaysia Influential Educator(MIE) Recognition Ceremony 2022/2023

Since the inaugural Malaysia Influential Educator in 2022, MIE has recognized a total of 585 educators from various fields. Under the continuous efforts of MIE, hundreds of educators from diverse backgrounds have been recognized, including five educators from Singapore, Pakistan, Ukraine, and Indonesia for the fifth time!

This prestigious ceremony once again proves that education is not only a powerful tool for overcoming cultural, geographical, and linguistic barriers but also provides individuals with opportunities to identify their potential and enhance their lives.

For the 2022/2023 recipients, a biographical book of all nominated educators entitled 'Biographies of Malaysian Influential Educators 2022/2023' will be released at the end of the year. With this initiative, it hopes to introduce these excellent educators in their respective categories to the community.

The grand recognition ceremony was held at the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel and saw the presence of distinguished guests, including Mr.Heizrul Ali, Senior Assistant Chief Secretary, Strategic Planning and International Relations Division, Ministry of Education Malaysia and President of the National Consumer Action Council, Datuk Paduka Dr Kevy KY Yeo.

According to MIE President Ms. Tiffany Tan Tian Yee's speech, the establishment of MIE aims to honor outstanding individuals in the field of education who have achieved remarkable accomplishments. In their educational journey, they have demonstrated competence, wisdom, and talent while exhibiting high knowledge and skills in their respective fields of education. 

MIE President Ms. Tiffany Tan Tian Yee

They have also practiced the best principles of practice. Therefore, they are selected as exemplary and the best examples in the industry and will be duly rewarded.

In the career world, mentors play a crucial role. They are not only knowledge imparters but also serve as guides and compasses in a student's career. Whether in the corporate sector, medical field, engineering, or other professional fields, mentors play a vital role in shaping students' career paths.

Malaysia Influential Educator (MIE) Awards Receiver

In her speech, Ms. Tan emphasized that experienced mentors rich in professional knowledge not only help students avoid career pitfalls but also inspire them to better plan their career paths and navigate the challenges of the real world through shared work experiences.
"Moreover, mentors are like voices of hope. Their concern goes beyond just career development, encompassing mental health, career satisfaction, and emotional support for students. Mentors help students overcome career obstacles and pressures positively. Furthermore, they can also provide advice on work-life balance to ensure students maintain optimal physical and mental health throughout their careers."
At the same time, technical and vocational education plays an increasingly important role in today's global society. It goes beyond teaching skills; it can solve the nation's employment issues, boost economic growth, and promote diversity and inclusivity. Chen Tianyi stressed that the government, schools, and companies should collaborate to support and invest in technical and vocational education to ensure the continuous development and prosperity of our society.

Malaysia Influential Educator (MIE) Awards Receiver

According to her, one of the primary roles of technical and vocational education is addressing skill shortages. Every industry, whether engineering, healthcare, or information technology, requires specific skills. Technical and vocational education provides opportunities to address the shortage of skilled labor by offering practical vocational skills training. This creates more job opportunities for students while meeting companies' need for skilled technical talent.

Therefore, she encouraged educators to be passionate about their respective fields, remain enthusiastic, never forget why they started, and focus on their talents and interests in education.

Hence, MIE also does not limit participation to those with experience, but educators who are just starting their careers also have the opportunity to join the platform. MIE is a platform for all educators to highlight their contribution to society. All educators including martial arts teachers, culture teachers, language centers, and so on are invited to participate in MIE.

For more information about MIE go to:

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