Can COVID-19 be Passed to an Unborn Child? | Are you experiencing COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, or difficulty breathing? Have you also wondered if pregnant mums can actually pass COVID-19 to an unborn child? Read on to find out.
While we are transitioning into the endemic phase, pregnant mums in Malaysia are still concerned about their wellbeing, especially since they need to regularly head out to public facilities for prenatal visits. Here are some frequently asked questions that may ease the concerns of all mums-to-be.
Are Pregnant Mums More Susceptible to COVID-19?
According to the World Health Organization, although research is still currently underway, there is no evidence that pregnant mums are at any higher risk than the rest of the population. That being said, it is still wise to continually observe proper hygiene habits and practice social distancing to stay safe and healthy.
Should Prenatal Visits Still Be Practiced by Pregnant Mums?
Prenatal visits are meant to keep both the mum and the unborn baby in check, so it is definitely important. However, with the number of active COVID-19 cases at a constant high, mums should consider longer intervals between visits. It also helps to get self-check equipment such as blood pressure cuffs to monitor your unborn child’s movement in the womb. As a precaution, always consult and discuss with your obstetrician about your prenatal care schedule.
What Are the Precautions Pregnant Mums Should Take?
The precautions that the general public take also apply to pregnant mums, because everyone is equally susceptible to the risks of COVID-19. Here are some of the steps you can take:
- Wash your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub, or soap and water. Make sure to wash them for at least 20 seconds, or as long as a Happy Birthday song!
- Practice social distancing and avoid crowded spaces. If possible, let your partner do the groceries and deliveries while you keep yourself safe at home.
- Always put on your mask and gloves when you need to visit your gynae. You should also avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth when outdoors.
- Practice respiratory hygiene and etiquette when outdoors. This includes covering your mouth and nose with your elbow or tissue whenever you cough or sneeze. If you use a tissue, always dispose of it immediately to protect yourself and everyone around you.
How Can Pregnant Mums Best Get Their Needed Key Nutrients During Pregnancy?
Eating clean and healthy may be difficult to achieve due to the pandemic. Fret not as Frisomum Gold with DualCare+ is formulated to provide the necessary milk nutrients to pregnant mums and your little ones. With prebiotic, probiotic, choline, calcium, iron, folic acid, vitamins D and B12, amongst many others, Frisomum Gold is packed with nutrients to support you and your little one at all times.
Most importantly, if you experience symptoms such as fever, cough or difficulty breathing, seek medical help immediately. Make sure to call before going to a health facility and follow the instructions of your doctor and local health department. They will be able to provide you specific instructions on your next course of action.
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