My Delightful Experience at the Legumes Mother’s Day Buffet Preview Event.

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My Delightful Experience at the Legumes Mother’s Day Buffet Preview Event. | Attending the preview event for Legumes' Dining With The Queens Mother’s Day buffet was a truly memorable experience. 

Held at the Fun Fun Event Space in Puchong, the event offered a tantalizing glimpse into the grand celebration planned for Mother’s Day.

From the moment I arrived, the atmosphere was vibrant and welcoming. The venue was beautifully decorated, setting the stage for an afternoon of culinary delights and engaging activities. As I mingled with other attendees, the excitement in the air was palpable.

Engaging Presentations

The event kicked off with presentations by Ms. Siow Miqi, CEO & co-founder of Legumes, and Mr. Earon Teh, Sales Director. Ms. Miqi shared the inspiring story of Legumes' evolution into a renowned catering brand, while Mr. Teh outlined their current services and exciting new ventures, including plans to cater to universities and introduce a new "Mini Buffet" range for smaller gatherings. Their passion and vision for the brand were truly inspiring.

Culinary Demonstrations

One of the highlights was the live cooking demonstrations by Mr. Kenneth Chua Wei Xian, COO & co-founder, and Junior Sous Chef Nur Aufa Athiya Binti Othman. Watching Chef Aufa prepare a beautifully arranged grazing box was a treat, and Kenneth’s presentation of the local favorite Kong Pao Chicken in Yam Basket, assisted by Demi Chef James Ng Wen Jia, showcased the creativity and quality that Legumes is known for.

Interactive Activities and Prizes

The event was not just about the food. I had the chance to participate in various interactive activities, including a DIY flower basket workshop, which was a lovely way to create a special gift for Mother’s Day. The word search game related to the event theme added a fun and educational twist.

A photobooth was available to capture fun moments, and a social media contest encouraged us to share our experiences for a chance to win fabulous prizes. 

To my delight, I was one of the lucky winners of a vegetable box hamper, beautifully presented in a LEGUMES cooler bag. This unexpected win added an extra layer of joy to my day.

A Preview of the Main Event

The preview event offered a sneak peek into the upcoming Dining With The Queens buffet, scheduled from May 10 to 12. The menu promises an array of Nyonya-themed dishes, ranging from poultry to seafood, with delightful appetizers and desserts. 

Knowing that proceeds from the buffet will support the National Cancer Society of Malaysia (NCSM) made the event feel even more special.


Attending the Legumes Mother’s Day buffet preview was a heartwarming and enriching experience. The blend of culinary excellence, engaging activities, and the spirit of community made it a day to remember. I left with not only a wonderful prize but also a deep appreciation for the effort Legumes puts into celebrating mothers and creating memorable experiences for their guests.

For those looking to treat their mothers to something extraordinary, the Dining With The Queens buffet promises to be an event filled with joy, exquisite cuisine, and meaningful contributions to a noble cause. I highly recommend attending this celebration and creating lasting memories with your loved ones.

For more information about Legume’s services and initiatives, please visit

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