Lemang To'ki; Must Have Lemang in Pahang.

shamiera osment
Lemang To'ki; Must Have Lemang in Pahang. | Lemang To'ki is a well-known lemang stall located in Bentong, Pahang, Malaysia. They are reputed for serving delicious and authentic lemang, a popular traditional Malaysian dish made from glutinous rice and cooked in bamboo tubes. 

Many locals and visitors consider Lemang To'ki to be one of the best places to enjoy lemang in the Bentong area. If you're in the region and looking for an authentic lemang experience, it's worth giving Lemang To'ki a try!

Lemang To'ki Bentong.

What is Lemang?

Lemang is a traditional Malaysian and Indonesian dish made from glutinous rice and coconut milk, cooked inside bamboo tubes over an open flame. It's often served during festive occasions like Eid al-Fitr and other celebrations. 

The bamboo imparts a unique smoky flavor to the rice, making it a delicious and popular dish.

Lemang Recipe

Here's a basic recipe for making lemang:

- 2 cups glutinous rice
- 1 cup coconut milk
- 1 teaspoon salt
- Bamboo tubes (cut into suitable lengths and cleaned)
- Banana leaves (for lining the bamboo tubes)

1. Wash the glutinous rice thoroughly and soak it in water for about 4 hours or overnight. Drain the rice before using.

2. Mix the soaked rice, coconut milk, and salt in a bowl. Make sure the rice is well-coated with the coconut milk.

3. Line the bamboo tubes with banana leaves, ensuring they are secure and won't leak.

4. Fill the bamboo tubes with the rice and coconut milk mixture, leaving about an inch of space at the top for the rice to expand as it cooks.

5. Seal the top of the bamboo tubes with banana leaves or aluminum foil to prevent steam from escaping.

6. Place the filled bamboo tubes over a charcoal or wood fire. Make sure the flames are not directly touching the tubes. Cook the lemang for about 2-3 hours, turning occasionally to ensure even cooking. The bamboo will char and turn brown as the lemang cooks.

7. Once the lemang is cooked, carefully remove them from the fire and let them cool slightly before unwrapping.

8. Gently push the lemang out of the bamboo tubes. The rice should have a sticky texture and a pleasant smoky aroma.

9. Slice the lemang into rounds and serve with your favorite accompaniments, such as rendang (a flavorful Indonesian beef stew) or serunding (spiced meat floss).

Enjoy your homemade lemang!

Note: Cooking times may vary depending on the heat of the fire and the size of the bamboo tubes. It's important to keep an eye on the lemang to prevent burning or uneven cooking.

Menus at Lemang Toki

These are the main menus available at Lemang Toki. You can choose according to your taste. Let's see the interesting menu here!

1. Lemang

This lemang is about a stick. If one eats, it is really hard to spend. If 2-3 people can finish with one meal. Here you can choose the big or the small. Prices vary by option. The big one is Rm 18. The small one is Rm 16. 

You can choose to have your lemang with a side dish such as :
  • Lemang with chicken rendang
  • Lemang with meat rendang
  • Lemang with grilled chicken
  • Lemang with grilled meat
All the side dishes here taste great and the grilled chicken and grilled meat is one of the most recommended menus you should have here. The 'Air Asam' is power!

2. Noodle

They are variations of noodles you can have in Lemang To'ki from the Chicken Noodles soup, Laksa and also Curry Mee.

3. Fried Snacks

Banana Fritters

Lemang To'ki is known as a popular spot for bikers, therefore they also served variation of snacks that is suitable for everyone who wanted to have a light menu during their table talk session.

Lemang To'Ki Location :

#1 Lemang Toki Bentong
Address: Batu 2, Jalan Tras, 28700 Bentong, Pahang
Operating Hour: 8am – 7pm
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/zeqTsG8oErWrXB5V6

#2 Lemang Toki 2 Benus
Address: No.1 Lot 331 batu 2 1/2 jalan karak, Benus, Bentong.
Operating Hour: 8am – 7pm
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/uaN8vNBqCXGd2RDBA

#3 Lemang Toki Sungai Buloh
Alamat: 50, Jalan DC 4/5, Desa Coalfields, 47000 Sungai Buloh, Selangor
Operating Hours:1pm-10am
Location: https://goo.gl/maps/AqkDRekpd14fkZD67

#4 Lemang Toki Serambi Teruntum Kuantan
Alamat: Serambi Teruntum, Jalan Tanjung Lumpur, 26060 Kuantan, Pahang
Operating Hour: 8am – 7pm

And if you just want to have their Lemang, you also can visit ABC Restaurant and Kelapa Joget cafe at Kampung Baru, Bentong. They also sell Lemang To'ki here. Don't forget to visit my mom's boutique beside Domino's pizza too if you happen to be here ya!

So if you happen to visit Pahang, do ensure you visit Lemang To'Ki!

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