Solat Taubah ; The Benefits and How to Do It.

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Solat Taubah; The Benefits and How to Do It. | Solat Taubat, also known as the Prayer of Repentance, is a special prayer performed by Muslims to seek forgiveness from Allah for their sins and to turn back to Him with sincerity and remorse. It is considered an essential act of worship and a means of cleansing one's soul.

Repent in terms of language with the meaning of return.

Repentance from 'adam means returning from sin, while repentance from Allah SWT returns to Him with mercy.

Imam al-Ghazali defines repentance in the same terms as in the book of Minhaj al-Abidin, that is, with the work of the heart which when learned from the opinion of scholars: Cleansing and purifying the heart from sin.

Imam al-Ghazali quoted the third definition of repentance from his teacher Abu Bakar al-Turtusi with: Leaving the choice of sins like before from him position (manzilah) not image (surah) for magnifying Allah SWT and being wary of His wrath.

Stated here is the expression of a Sufi scholar about repentance from the book al-Risalah al-Qusyairiyah:

  • Sahl bin Abdillah said: Repentance is not forgetting your sins.
  • Junaid al-Baghdadi said: Repentance is forgetting your sins.
  • Al-Nuri said: Repentance is that you repent from everything except Allah SWT.
  • Zu al-Nun al-Misri said: The repentance of a layman is the repentance of sin while the repentance of a scholar is the repentance of negligence.
  • Sahl bin Abdullah also said: Repentance is abandoning future dreams.

Conditions of repentance

  • Leave sin voluntarily.
  • Repent from the sin that has been committed.
  • The choice to leave sin comes from glorifying Allah SWT.

What is one of the advantages of circumcision prayer and repentance?

1. Forgiven by Allah SWT.

2. All matters are simplified.

3. Brighten up everyday life.

4. Eliminate stressful feelings.

5. Prevent sin and avoid distraction.

When is the right time to pray circumcision and repentance?

There is no set time. Which means, Sunat Taubat prayer can be done at any time during the time allowed for prayer.

When is it prohibited (cannot) to perform any circumcision prayer?

Syafi'iyah jurists hold that it is makruh tahrim to perform circumcision prayer without a reason and that prayer is considered invalid if it is performed during the following five times:

1. After the Fajr prayer which is performed in cash (not the qadha' prayer), until the sun rises halfway up.

2. When the sun rises to dawn like a pole.

3. After performing the Asr prayer which is performed in cash even if it is pluralized with Zuhur at the time of Zuhur (plural present).

4. When the sun is yellow until it completely sets.

5. When the sun is completely overhead (in the middle of the sky) until it slips to the West. Except for Istiwa' (the sun is in the middle of the sky on Friday.

Steps to Perform Solat Taubat.

The steps to perform Solat Taubat are relatively simple and can be done as follows:

1. Perform ablution perfectly.

This is because, based on the meaning of purification above, I am more inclined to scholars who debate that purification means perfect ablution. Because as we know, ablution is something that needs to be done before praying.

2. Pronounce the Intention of Repentance Prayer.

Prayer of Repentance

I only pray 2 rakats for the sake of Allah SWT.

3. Reading the surah after al-Fatihah, it is encouraged to read this surah:

First Rakaat: Surah Al-Kafirun

Second Rakaat: Surah Al-Ikhlas

4. Apologize to Allah S.W.T

Finally, after praying 2 rakats, seek forgiveness from Allah and may Allah forgive us and accept our repentance. God willing. As God says:

وَالَّذِينَ إِذَا فَعلُوا فَاحِشَةً اَوْ ذَلَمُوا انْفُسَهُمْ ذَكَرُوا اللہَ فَاستْفْرُوا لذُوبِهِمْ وَمْ يَْفْرُ ذُنُوبَ إِلَاِهُ وَلَمْ يُ صِرُّوا عَلَى مَا فَعَلُوا وَهُمْ يَعْلَمُونَ

It means: And when they commit a heinous act or wrong themselves, then they remember Allah and ask for forgiveness for their sins. And who forgives sins other than Allah? And they did not persist in what they had done in their knowledge.

It's important to remember that sincere repentance is not just about saying the words, but it should come from the heart with a genuine intention to change for the better and avoid repeating the sins in the future. Allah is the Most Merciful, and He loves those who seek forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance.

It is recommended to perform the Solat Taubat regularly, along with other acts of worship, to maintain a strong connection with Allah and seek His forgiveness continuously.

Prayer of Repentance

I beg forgiveness from God, I beg forgiveness from God, I beg forgiveness from God who has no God but He Who Lives and Manages!

I repent to Him as the repentance of a servant who has many sins who is powerless to refuse harm or do good and is unable to kill or revive or resurrect (in Padang Mahsyar later).

I ask for Your protection from sin, laziness, the suspicion of the grave and its torment. I ask for your protection from all mistakes and punishments.

Ya Allah! Cleanse me from my sins as a white cloth is cleansed from dirt. Ya Allah! Indeed, I repent to You for all my sins, and I promise not to repeat them.

Ya Allah! Your forgiveness is wider than my sins and Your forgiveness of me is more abundant than my good deeds. Ya Allah! Indeed, I have wronged myself a lot, no one can forgive my sin except You; So give me Your forgiveness, have mercy on me.

Oh God, Oh my God! Accept my repentance, cleanse me of all my sins and accept my request. Indeed You are Most Forgiving and Most Merciful!

We close this discussion by presenting the statement of Ibn Abbas R. Anhuma:

التَوْبَةُ النصوحُ الندمُ بَلْقِ, والاْْتِغْفَارُ بِالِسَانِ, والاقلاُ بَبْدْنِ, والِضْمَارُ عَلَى علا عبدَ

Meaning: "Nasuha's repentance is regret with the heart, istighfar with the tongue, discarding immoral behavior with the body and resolve not to return."

Reference :

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